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This painting is figurative and with it a narrative is built. On the surface the painter is represented, over and over again, in the form of another, a kind of ghost made visible. A doppelganger, a central figure in the compositions. If painting is the extension of the painter's body, in this case it is doubly so, through the pictorial register and the representation in the form of another. They are not self-portraits, they never had that intention.

In these paintings, the presence of the observer is called, the awareness of his presence, observing the performative moment of the characters in the pictorial space. Here, we observe the performative moment registered on the surface, in some cases the reverse of the painting is also seen, where the title of the painting is stated. A dynamic action of the observer is promoted, because he sees the painting and sees the pictorial object, moving behind it. As if the body moved 360o around the pictorial object. Implicitly, the movement of the observer's body is promoted.

TheatherDateOctober, November, 2018